
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

God Can!

 There is nothing in this world that we cannot overcome with the power of God. There is always HOPE because God is the God of the impossible.

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

We always want someone to fix our problems or we always want to fix other people's problems. The reminder is that we are not that powerful but God has the power to change everything. In every desperate moment of life - God Can!

When my children were young I could fix most of their problems by walking to the little store with them and letting them buy a bag of powdered donuts for all of us to share. That was always a game changer in our household. Now they are adults and a bag of powdered donuts would not help at all. Actually, there is nothing I can do for them because their problems are so out of my depth. I will pray with them and pray for them that the God I serve will instead take care of them and every situation they are possibly dealing with on a daily basis. 

This picture is taken on a walk with our niece in New Castle, Delaware. What a beautiful historic little town this is to see.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

God’s Masterpiece: Creation - Bible Study of Genesis Chapter 1

Genesis 1 is an iconic chapter that recounts the majestic story of God’s creation, setting the stage for the entire Bible.

-This book begins at the beginning. 

-God is the creator of the universe. 

-He created man and then created woman. 

-This chapter took place everywhere. The entire universe and it describes all the earth.

Genesis 1 tells us that God created the world in 6 days.

Verses 1-2 describes the world beforehand.

Verses 3-5 Day 1 - on the first day God created light and called it “DAY” & the darkness “NIGHT.”

Verses 6-8 Day 2 - God created an expanse that separated the waters and called the expanse heaven.

Verses 9-13 Day 3 - God created dry land and called it earth and the waters he called seas. Who is naming everything? God Next he made the vegetation, plants and trees that grow on the earth.

Verses 14-19 Day 4 - God created sun, moon, planets and stars. He created day & night for us to know our days, seasons and years.

Verses 20-23 Day 5 - God created sea life and birds. He blessed them saying, “Be fruitful and multiply.”

Verses 24-31 Day 6 - God created the animals then created man and woman in his own image. He appointed them to be in charge (dominion) over all the animals. 

God is the author of creativity. Everything God made is beautiful and wonderful. When I am at the beach or in the mountains I sense Gods creative powers. Nature is captivating to our souls.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Read About Bullying in the Bible

 Cain had words with his brother. They were out in the field; Cain came at Abel his brother and killed him. Genesis 4:8

This was the first recorded bullying in history and it lead to the death of Abel. Cain wanted the favor God was giving his brother. He lost his temper and killed him. Human nature causes us to go after what we want no matter what we inflict on one another. Some times it's just the feeling of empowerment and control that will cause someone to bully another person.

Every day I hear on the news about some type of bullying. I am glad that people are more aware of the affect it has on people and especially children. It is a painful event that causes emotional and physical stress. It destroys self worth and causes you to question everything about yourself. The injury caused by a bully is a wound that can run so deep that it may take years to heal.

Unfortunately, no one can see the wound like you do from a bullet or a knife so there isn't always the support from family and friends. The thing that can hurt most is when you don't understand the psychological damage and then minimize the conflict.This ads to the injury and is not helpful in the healing process. An emotional injury does not always reveal itself right away. The victims will need to be able to be open about what they are suffering. They will need emotional support. We need to be sure they understand what they are experiencing such as post traumatic stress disorders or any type of anxiety. 

LOVE always protects! I Cor. 13:7
 This picture was taken in Palm Beach, April 10, 2008.