
Friday, March 7, 2025

Am I Listening?

A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions. Proverbs 18:2

So what does this mean? Well for a start, people are more likely to listen to us, if we have first taken the time to listen to them. 

I told my son one day, "you never listen to me!" He replied, "I do mom, it's just you have so much to say!" Lesson learned.... 

 This picture was taken in Charleston, South Carolina when we visited March 21, 2013.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Be Kind

 Just recently someone asked me what I thought they should do about their circumstance. It involved another individual and I really did not know the answer. I explained to them that right now there was no clear direction to the situation but for the moment I had some advice. First of all, pray that God would reveal the right answer and second of all while waiting for the answer, be KIND!

Kindness is always the right thing to do in any circumstance. I believe it has the power to heal. 

A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers! Ruth Bell Graham 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Life Chapters

Each time I finish up a book I become a little sad when I know it is the final chapter. The book I am reading becomes like a friend that I enjoy spending time with each day. I always think to myself that I hope I am able to find another one soon that is just as enjoyable. I always tell my daughter that I feel myself grieve each time I finish up a good book.

Our life has many final chapters in our friendships, marriages, children, grandkids,  jobs, homes, health, finances, etc. Death may bring a final chapter we didn't expect. We feel we may not recover many times from the loss or the ending. The human spirit is stronger than we realize and with God any and all endings can be the beginning for a new chapter that we have not even imagined.

We need to trust God with our future in the midst of all the tragic losses of life. We don't know what God is going to do with our circumstances but in faith we have hope for our future. As we find ourselves at the end of a life chapter don't forget to turn the page to the beginning of something new. 

Psalm 18:28  “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.” 
 This picture was taken when I visited Sevilla Spain in 2012.